Dr Mary Mwanyika Sando the CEO and her team disseminated key findings from the ARISE Adolescents Health Survey titled “Harnessing longitudinal data and digital technologies to improve adolescent health across sub-Saharan Africa”, which was supported by Fondation Botnar and implemented in collaboration with Tanga City Council.
Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable WorldThe Meals, Education, and Garden for in school Adolescents (MEGA) Project was implemented among six secondary schools. MEGA had  four key components: school gardening; school meals program; and  comprehensive education on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), agriculture as well as nutrition. As we respond to the urgent climate crisis and pursue the Sustainable Development Goals, the significance of green skills become undeniable. It is imperative that governments, educational institutions, businesses, and communities unite to embed green skills within educational frameworks and professional training. By doing so, young people shall be equipped with the tools to catalyze innovation, promote sustainable practices, and navigate the future challenges, for Better Public Health.
Viral Hepatitis Day 2023 presents an opportunity to recommit to fighting viral hepatitis and ensuring the well-being of everyone. We can all play a role by spreading awareness, promoting prevention, and access to quality healthcare services. Tanzania and the World can move closer to eliminating viral hepatitis as a public health threat. One life, one liver, for Better Public Health.
Dissemination of ARISE Adolescent Health Survey findings was conducted in Tanga City Council on the 17th July 2023. It was attended by the Minister of Health Hon. Minister Ummy Mwalimu (MP) and members of diverse Tanga City Council (TCC) departments who are key implementers of day-to-day activities involving adolescents in Tanga. During the meeting, key findings on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Mental Health, Health Service Utilization, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, and Substance Use were presented by Africa Academy of Public Health AAPH (convener of the ARISE Network) to the Minister of Health.
AAPH hosts a Young People's Mental Health Stakeholders' Engagement Workshop in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania. The workshop was officiated by Dr. Erasmus Mdeme, Head of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department, Ministry of Health, and served as a platform to identify gaps and prioritize areas pertaining to the mental health of young people in Tanzania, recognizing the utmost importance of their well-being.
People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention. The importance of early intervention and support for people with drug use disorders cannot be overstated, but stigma and discrimination are major barriers in achieving this. As we aim for a world free of drug abuse, let us strengthen prevention while combating stigma and discrimination against people who use drugs by promoting language and attitude that is respectful and non-judgmental For Better Public Health.
Kwa mujibu wa dhima ya mwaka huu, "Haki za mtoto katika mazingira ya kidigitali", ni muhimu kuelewa kwamba mtandao na teknolojia nyingine za kidigitali huweza kuwa na faida nyingi kwa watoto kama vile kujifunza, burudani na kuongeza ushirika katika jamii. Hata hivyo huweza pia kuleta hatari fulani kama vile uonevu mtandaoni, matapeli wa mtandaoni na habari potofu. Ili kuhakikisha kwamba watoto wanaweza kufurahia faida za ulimwengu wa kidigitali wakiwa wanaepuka hatari. Tukiwa tunasherehekea Siku ya Kimataifa ya Mtoto wa Afrika mwaka huu, ni muhimu kuongeza ufahamu juu ya fursa na changamoto ambazo teknolojia inawezaleta kwenye ustawi, maendeleo na ulinzi wa watoto wetu. For Better Public Health
Aligning with this year’s theme “The rights of the child in the digital environment” it is important to understand that the internet and other digital technologies offer many benefits for children, such as learning, entertainment and socialization. However, they also pose some risks, such as cyberbullying, online predators and misinformation. To ensure that children can enjoy the advantages of the digital world while avoiding the dangers, it is important to raise awareness about the opportunities and challenges that these technologies present for their well-being, development and protection as we celebrate the International Day of the African Child this year, For Better Public Health.
On Menstrual Hygiene Day, we aim to end the silence and shame around menstruation, raise awareness about the barriers to menstrual health and hygiene, and promote access to menstrual products, education and facilities. Our goal is to create a world where menstruation does not limit anyone's potential, let’s make menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030, For Better Public Health.
Katika Siku ya Hedhi salama, tunakusudia kumaliza ukimya na aibu kuhusu hedhi, kuongeza ufahamu kuhusu vizuizi vya afya na hedhi salama, na kukuza upatikanaji wa bidhaa za hedhi, elimu na vifaa. Lengo letu ni kuunda ulimwengu ambapo hedhi haizuii uwezo wa mtu yeyote, hebu tufanye hedhi kuwa jambo la kawaida katika maisha ifikapo mwaka 2030, kwa afya bora ya umma.
